7 Tips for Climbing a Mountain for Beginners

Mountain climbing is a hobby that many people do to unwind. In addition to refreshing the mind, the scenery that is served on the mountain is also the main attraction for climbers.

For those of you who have never climbed a mountain , don’t worry because there are many ways that can help you succeed in making the first climb. These seven mountain climbing tips for beginners will be very useful for you, you know.

1. Pay attention to physical readiness


7 Tips for Climbing a Mountain for Beginners, Needs to be Prepared


Climbing requires excellent and strong physical readiness. Because, later you have to walk through the forest and carry heavy loads, such as logistics and other equipment.

You can do sports first, such as jogging, sit-ups, squats, and other muscle stretching exercises. This is so that you don’t get negative effects while climbing, such as back pain or leg cramps.

2. Understand the location and path to be hiked


7 Tips for Climbing a Mountain for Beginners, Needs to be Prepared


In addition to preparing for your physical condition, you also have to understand the location and path you will be climbing. Not all mountains have the same characteristics, so you need to really understand the terrain.

In order to stay comfortable and safe when climbing, you must understand the route and map of the journey you will take. This is to avoid unwanted events, such as accidents or getting lost while climbing.

3. Bringing important and needed items


7 Tips for Climbing a Mountain for Beginners, Needs to be Prepared


When you want to climb a mountain, you need to bring a few items that are needed when going down mountain trails. Make sure the items you bring are useful and really needed.

Items that you can bring are clothes, food and drink supplies, tents, sleeping bags , navigation tools, tools, and not drugs. Carrying medicine may be trivial, but it is necessary in the event of an injury, injury, or allergy. Check out amazing climbing shoes , bags and hiking tools at Hardloop.com


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4. Wear comfortable clothes


7 Tips for Climbing a Mountain for Beginners, Needs to be Prepared

You can make clothes made of polyester an option for use when climbing. In addition, you can also wear an additional jacket to keep the body warm. Shop amazing jackets at hardloop.com

Wearing comfortable footwear is also necessary, you know. Don’t let your feet get scratched and bruised just because you use the wrong sandals. Avoid wearing thin sandals, it’s better to wear shoes that are specifically for climbing, okay?

5. Don’t go hiking alone


7 Tips for Climbing a Mountain for Beginners, Needs to be Prepared


As a beginner who wants to climb the mountain, you better go with friends who already have experience. That way, someone can become a mentor and be able to carry luggage properly.

Choose friends you already know well to avoid feeling awkward. Another reason is because they already understand each other’s character and body condition.

6. Always be ready to protect yourself


7 Tips for Climbing a Mountain for Beginners, Needs to be Prepared


When climbing, try not to hesitate to ask for a break  or take a short break when you feel tired. You have to be open with your body. Try to catch your breath, such as taking a breath in through your nose, then slowly exhaling through your mouth when you feel tired.

When climbing, make sure you don’t leave your teammates behind. It is better to walk hand in hand to safely reach the destination.

7. Maintain etiquette when climbing


7 Tips for Climbing a Mountain for Beginners, Needs to be Prepared


When you decide to climb a mountain, it means that you are ready to maintain the applicable ethics and manners. You also have to maintain cleanliness so that nature remains sustainable.

You are prohibited from littering or picking certain plants. In addition, try to always be friendly with every climber that passes. They can be a helper when you are in trouble, you know.

Hope you enjoyed the article . Check out all Essentials hiking items at hardloop.com


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