Is Mauritius your paradise?

The tropical island nation of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean is the destination of many dreams. But should it be?


So is there really any ingredients in paradise in Mauritius?


Mauritius, hotel, swimming pool


… If you are ready to invest in an extra amount of accommodation, ie the incredibly lovely and beautiful all-inclusive luxury hotels that are enough in Mauritius. Basically, the paradise of the island stems from them. Book your tickets on

The luxury hotels have stunning landscaped poolside areas, spa massages in the waves, and grilled fish and seafood for dinner by candlelight on the sandy beach.


Mauritius, hammock


… If every beach should fill a paradise-like setting. Mauritius has beautiful beach, of course, but quite a few are just mediocre – and even the best lose to the world’s most amazing beach.

Perhaps the most enchanting is Le Morne Beach at the southwestern tip. Its natural scenery is handsome and idyllic and there is peace.


Mauritius, Snorkeling, the sea


… If you consider paradise the building blocks of the clear, aquamarine sea and white sandy beaches. The water looks turquoise all over Mauritius, especially in sunny weather, but a particularly strong hue – really turquoise turquoise – can be found in two places: Blue Bay, a marine park, and the shores of the idyllic Île aux Cerfs island.


Mauritius, mussels


… If the paradise-like nature requires the lush greenery of the rainforest. Most of Mauritius have pretty dull landscapes – sugar cane fields one after the other. The exceptions are the hilly and mountainous southern part, part of which is a national park. There the vegetation is properly green and wooded.


Mauritius, excursion, catamaran


… If you want to either enjoy being idle, golfing or water sports. For those trees, a holiday in Mauritius has been created. Many beaches offer snorkelling and boats take you to reefs further afield. Admittedly, there is no world-class diving and snorkeling destination from Mauritius.

Dolphins are very likely to be seen in Tamarin Bay. In winter, you can also see humpback whales.


Mauritius, coconut


… If there should be something really special to see in paradise. Mauritius’s attractions are modest, as are many other tropical islands. The heavily advertised botanical garden is just fine, but neither is it, and there’s nothing paradisiacal about the crowded ugly capital, Port Lous.

If you are interested in nature, in addition to the southern part of the national park, you should go to the small, protected island of Île aux Aigrettes. Endangered Pink pigeons and giant tortoises live there.


Mauritius, beach, palm tree


… If you want your own peace. Mauritius is very peaceful in many places, as opposed to Bilesaar. Mass tourism is not recommended.

Many high-quality hotels are seldom built, and some are entirely on their own. Their beaches are so long that there is never a crowd. Especially in the southern part of the island you can be on your own.


Mauritius, beach chair


… If paradise demands flawless weather. Mauritius usually goes on holiday when it is winter in Finland and Mauritius when it is summer. Then the temperatures are at their highest, making them ideal for a beach holiday. But then it also rains the most – mostly deaf, but the sky may be gray for longer. Tropical storms are possible from late December to March.


Mauritius, food


… As long as you forget the requirements of perfection and allow yourself to essentially be and enjoy. That’s when Mauritius has a great time. It’s a wonderful place to recharge your batteries and have fun – but as the saying goes: it’s worth investing in a hotel.

Mauritius is one of the places where many holidaymakers don’t just leave their hotel grounds, which is now perhaps in the direction of the sea. And you know what? They have realized the crux of the matter.

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