Hello !

Back with lots of solutions to give yourself a boost in winter . Today I give you my tips for adopting a colorful look in winter ! I love playing with colors, especially in winter because we tend to turn to more neutral or dark tones. While it is quite simple to upgrade an outfit with one or more touches of color . I teach you some tricks to wear lots of colors .

Wear colors in winter

We all have pretty colorful pieces in our dressing room. The idea is not necessarily to wear them all together ( unless you want a 100% color day! ) but to learn how to wear them every day for outfits that sparkle. My first piece of advice is to invest in a colored coat . Because in the end, a big piece is enough to pimp an entire outfit. For the anxiety of not matching it, with beige / black / white / gray and jeans the color works great . And if you are spotted from afar in the street, well cool.

colorful sweater is also a top piece, which is super easy to wear. And much more accessible after all. We tuck it into jeans, we add a white shirt underneath. And if you want you can add a complementary color as an accessory and presto!

For a simpler approach to colors in winter , I recommend going for plain clothes first . The effect is more spectacular first and above all more obvious to mix together!

The monochrome look in winter

We may be starting off a bit strong with this statement, but honestly how cool is a burgundy total-look ? Or even red? I will even go as far as colored tights if they are qualitative, and for the retro side . I will have the opportunity to test it soon I will give you news of the thing on my Instagram account @juliettekitsch .

To make it more accessible, a total blue look , or bottle green can be considered. For example: jeans/blue sweater/blue beret/navy blue coat! The main idea is to vary the materials , like any good monochrome look .

Complementary colors

Or not even complementary for that matter! I love wearing red and pink together , for example a pink sweater and a red scarf, or a red beret and a pink coat. If you don’t have a pink coat ( frankly I don’t blame you, not everyone does ) you can consider a red beret + a pink scarf, for example. It works especially with plain accessories .

In complementary colors , orange coat + blue sweater or purple coat + green shirt also work! Regarding the red and green I have a small objection for the Christmas side. I add that all the pastel colors complement each other .

Colorful accessories for winter


Berets, hats, scarves, or even a large hat, enjoy! A colored beret is a low-cost investment ( €1 on Vinted ma bonne dame ) that will bring more sober outfits to life. In scarves, I love Charlotte Simone’s colorful faux furs . Or quite simply a fringed scarf, simple and effective. AH, and I also like the colorful gloves hehe.
A colored bag is not a basic but we quickly realize that it gives pep to any neutral outfit. White shirt + jeans + blazer + colored bag, it’s great. I also love colorful shoes , you know, and frankly on a sober outfit it’s hot. I love wearing my Carel babies with black outfits or even jeans + shirt. If we add socks, it’s very cool too.
Socks, let’s talk about them! Imagine a total black or white look ( let’s be crazy! ) and just colored socks ? I told you about it in my last article on countering the cold in winter , my favorite socks are the Royalties , and these are the ones I wear in the photo below. I added the beret in addition for the color because why not?


Just a touch of color

Colors in winter also go through something quite different from your outfit. A bright orange eye makeup ( as I teach you on this IGTV tutorial ) will be seen despite a mask, nails painted red or even: a colored mask eh. If you are chilly ( pun intended ) there are little touches to add within everyone’s reach .

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