How to find the best hostels to sleep on your trips

We will talk about how you can find the best hostels to sleep that do not lack any service or comfort. You can stay in a hostel that is even better than many of the hotels or hostels you have stayed in before. In addition, today, there are hostels that have nothing to envy to a good hotel. Take note to know how to find the best hostels.

How to find the best hostels

Hostels are the perfect place to meet people and enjoy a different stay from other accommodations. Normally, hostels take great care of the facilities, the staff and the environment and also try to offer all the necessary comforts so that you have a perfect stay. Here are some tips to keep in mind when choosing and finding a good hostel.


Cheaper is not always better


Many times you look for the cheapest if you have a tighter budget but it is not a good idea to choose the first hostel you find just because it seems cheap. There are more and more hostels and as with a hotel you have to take several things into account. Hostels that are too cheap are often substandard as the beds may not be the best, the showers may not be practical, or the pillows will cause you to wake up with a sore neck. Try to do a good search taking into account the quality-price and keep in mind that you are probably already saving money compared to choosing a hotel. Make a selection of the best hostels and then discard according to the services they have, or not.


Choose Hostels with kitchen


The good thing about hostels is that they usually have a kitchen and if you don’t arrive on time for the breakfast they offer you can prepare something to eat at any time. Also, if you meet people they usually leave things for the rest when they leave and you can also do the same. If the breakfast service starts early and you don’t have time to take advantage of it, you can always cook something and you can also make sandwiches for the rest of the day, thus reducing your budget.


Take into account the departure time


The best hostels usually have check-out times at 11am and the really good ones allow you to pay at noon. It is clear that sleep is valuable if your trip is tiring and those few extra hours can make a difference for the rest of your day. Hostels that have later checkout times understand this and are often quieter environments. On the other hand, we like hostels that have flexible check-ins and normally, if you talk to their staff before you travel, via email, you can reach an agreement.


Choose push-button showers


Another thing to keep in mind to find the best hostels to stay in is to look at their showers. Perhaps this is not the most important thing for you or the reason why you directly rule out a hostel, but it is actually a convenience that will make our stay easier. Showers that have buttons you have to press to release the water are annoying and often have no water pressure. The problem is that the water turns off every so often and you have to be aware of pressing the button every time this happens. We don’t take long showers, especially when we stay in a hostel, but it is true that a button shower is not as comfortable as the rest.


Find out about their Lockers


When you stay in this type of accommodation you meet a lot of people and although our experiences have always been good, we recommend you stay in hostels that have lockers. So you can keep your belongings under lock and key. There are hostels that offer free lockers, in others you have to bring your own padlock, other hostels give you the option of paying a deposit that they later return to you or there are also some hostels that have paid lockers. Another characteristic to take into account to find the best hostels. Just in case you can get your own lock take a lock and if you don’t trust the security of the hostel read the reviews before booking.


Free Wi-Fi in all areas


Some accommodations continue to charge for using the internet, providing a wi-fi key or also having to use the establishment’s computers. Luckily today this happens less and less and almost all hostels have free internet in their facilities. Just in case it is good that you inform yourself before going so that you do not get surprises later. While internet isn’t a must for every traveler, a hostel with free Wi-Fi is always a plus. And if sharing a signal with so many people makes you suspicious, you can consider buying a VPN to keep your browsing data private.


Enjoy hostels with good common areas


If the hostel doesn’t have a bar, it should have a large common area. Another point to take into account when looking to stay in the best hostels. Common areas facilitate interaction and help people on the road make it easier to meet people. Almost all the hostels we have been to had a large games room to pass the time or there are even some that have billiards, foosball or ping-pong tables and surely have a bookstore, board games, television and some console. The best hostels are the ones that offer people a place to hang out and be able to socialize.


If they have a much better bar


The bars are not a deal breaker and there are many wonderful hostels without them, but they are a great place to socialize with other hostel people. Usually, if a hostel has a bar, they put a strong emphasis on making sure the people staying there are having fun and interacting. The best hostels usually have activity rooms and usually also have a bar.


Find out about their organized activities


Really good hostels also organize activities like hikes, barbecues, or whatever else brings people together. Surely you see this information on their own website or once you are there, do not hesitate to ask their staff. If you are traveling alone it is a good way to meet other people and also to get to know the area. Highly recommend these excursions if you have a free day or two on your trip.


Seek feedback about the hostel and its staff


To make sure you find a good hostel, you can look for reviews and opinions on its website or pages like Booking from other people who have already stayed there. After all, staying in these places is a more personal and close experience than if you sleep in large hotels. We believe that the staff in charge of helping you with doubts should be one of the most important points. Their kindness and closeness should not be at odds with the price you pay for a room or a bed.


Check that the hostel has a good location


The location of a hostel will count in a very positive way in your experience. If you have to spend an hour on public transport going to and from your hostel every time you go to the city, you will end up wasting a lot of your travel time. The best hostels are close to the action, right in the center if that’s what you’re looking for or next to the stations. Try to take into account the location of your hostel according to the type of trip you are going to do or knowing what you are going to want to visit.

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