8 anti-stress tips to relax after a long day

Anti-stress mission! My little personal tips to evacuate stress

Managing stress isn’t just in the evening or when you wake up, it’s a constant job.

So I could have made you an “evening routine” or whatever, but in the end, fighting your stress is everywhere and all the time. Anyway, he’s not waiting for me to come home.

At the moment T, at work, at home or in transport…


At work or at any time of the day, stress can set in, and with it, sweats, speed and “it’s not going well” (yes, you see that feeling of anxiety).

daily stress reliever

1: Express Meditation – Relax

If I can do it, if I have just 5 minutes in front of me, I take my headphones, my meditation playlist, and I relax , I clear my mind, I focus on my breath, the pulses in the tips of my fingers.

It takes time to “master” the technique, but the relaxation effects are immediate.

2: hand pressure points

Pressure points are a handy trick when you don’t have the time or space to do breathing and meditation. I used it during my orals for example. To de-stress me.

It’s quite quick to do, a simple pressure between the thumb and the index finger coupled with a small breathing exercise is enough to release the pressure.

In the evening or when we have time ahead of us

daily stress reliever

1: Switch off your phone

Airplane mode or do not disturb! At the moment, I cut myself off a lot from social networks, Facebook, Twitter mainly. Too much negativity for me. And personally when I’m stressed or not in top shape, I avoid bad vibes.

2: The mandala

So, drawing is THE thing that relaxes me the most. I occasionally share my drawings on Instagram but usually I keep them to myself.

To clear my mind, I take a notebook, a criterium, a black marker and off we go. I draw geometric shapes, either in a circle to make something “pretty & structured” or freestyle on my sheet.

It’s crazy how it relaxes, we focus on something other than the worries of everyday life and it allows us to take a step back, to put things into perspective.

relax everyday

3: Yoga

I discovered yoga a few weeks ago. A real revelation! I regularly do relaxation sessions before sleeping or to relieve my back pain.

But there are tons of sessions to de-stress. Without pressure, it improves flexibility, concentration, balance, strength and above all helps clear the mind.

The main advantage of Yoga is that you only need a small mat. It can be done anywhere, in your living room, on your balcony or outside in the middle of a field. In short, everywhere.

There are several relaxation exercises on video, it’s very gentle and there are sessions to do before going to sleep in bed (I love this 10min session)

4: Sport in general

Whether it’s running, cycling, indoor classes or fitness at home, sport helps to de-stress. I don’t count the number of sessions that I started in nerve-racking mode to finish empty and positive. you can do home workout . For home workout you can buy exercise equipment’s from Freebeatfit .

Yes, I do not do sports to be a sex bomb but above all to be better in my head.

daily leisure sport

5: Read & escape

Reading is liberating whether it’s personal development books (to help, understand and evolve) or novels, it allows me to clear my mind, forget my problems or understand my emotions.

So I read on Kindle, the dematerialized format is so practical, you can rent books and thus discover new stories, new authors. I love Amazon just for that.


6: take care of yourself & cocoon yourself.

Taking time for yourself is not just about applying a mask while taking a good hot bath. It can take tons of different directions: Walk in the forest, go to the hairdresser or manicure, go shopping, have an aperitif or go to a restaurant, get ready for a party…

relax everyday

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