So far, I have not seen such a concentration of the words “organic”, “biodynamic” and “natural”, as in Ubud, anywhere. In the photo – part of the menu, food that we ate while living on the island for a couple of months. 40 days of them – in Ubud. Most of the food is raw or at least vegan. At the same time with an incredible combination of flavors and maximum variety. These are real, but very simple superfoods. I decided to attribute the story about quinoa to the post about superfoods.

About Bali, organic and the best quinoa salad

About Bali, organic and the best quinoa salad

Quinoa salad

Quinoa salad

Everyone knows that quinoa is one of the healthiest grains today. In fact, pseudocereals. Since quinoa is not a grain or cereal, but simply the seeds of a plant from the amaranth family. Quinoa is native to the South American Andes. In ancient times, the local population – mostly the Incas – ate, loved and respected quinoa as much as other available products: potatoes and corn. In a changeable climate, nothing else grew much on the mountain slopes. Even then, quinoa was valued for its specific properties – the ability to quickly restore strength and maintain the body and health of warriors in perfect condition.

About Bali, organic and the best quinoa salad

About Bali, organic and the best quinoa salad

About Bali, organic and the best quinoa salad

About Bali, organic and the best quinoa salad

Today we know that quinoa has the highest amount of vegetable protein among other plants. Quinoa also contains all the essential amino acids, which even meat cannot boast of. In addition to a unique complete set of proteins, quinoa is valued for its high fiber content, an excellent set of minerals and B vitamins. Separately, it is worth noting the pathological absence of gluten, an adhesive substance, the main dietary enemy of healthy digestion today. Nutritionists highlight zinc in quinoa (a popular weapon among cosmetologists in the fight for flawless hair and skin), iron (affects blood quality), calcium and phosphorus (a bonus for the musculoskeletal system).

About Bali, organic and the best quinoa salad

About Bali, organic and the best quinoa salad

Quinoa looks like grains or porridge only externally, biologically it can be attributed more to fruits. Quinoa does not boil like cereals, but rather resembles poppy seeds in texture. This means that it will not be possible to “overexpose” or cook it badly. Special culinary skills are not needed. Everyone can cope with quinoa in the kitchen. Moreover, from the beginning of the process to readiness, it will take only 15 minutes. Feel free to mix it with mango and mint, nuts and pomegranate, cheeses and coconut milk, chili and leafy greens. Add quinoa to salads, garnish or serve as a separate dish.

Salad with quinoa, tomatoes and avocado

As you can see in the photo below, tomatoes can be safely replaced with sweet peppers, cheese with quail eggs. Add fresh spinach or cilantro. Whatever you like.

Quinoa salad

  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 1 avocado
  • 100 g fresh young feta cheese
  • 1 tomato

for refueling:

  • 6-7 tablespoons olive oil
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1/2 tsp cumin (jeera)
  • a pinch of salt
  • a pinch of ground chili

Grind salt, cumin and garlic in a mortar. Add oil, lemon juice and chilli and stir.

Boil the quinoa as directed on the package. Drain the water, if left, and cool slightly. At this time, cut the tomato, cheese and avocado into cubes. Mix dressing with quinoa and other ingredients. Serve warm.

quinoa salad

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