Mallorca is basically a small island and the transition from one place to another is quick. Only in principle. Really the mountain roads are winding and time consuming. Mallorca covers an area of ​​3,624 km² and is 100 kilometers east-west and 75 kilometers north-south. I would recommend following the route I presented below with one or even two night tactics. This route is transportable in a day, as we did, but for longer mountain hikes, there is not enough time. Along winding roads you can swim and snorkel in the peaceful coves, we didn’t get to the beaches in a day.

When you visit four magnificent mountain villages a day, the experience is a bit like eating too much at a party. Or smelled more perfume and finally no longer smell the difference in scents. Afterwards, you really have to think about what kind of village it was.

Mallorca is said to be the most beautiful island in the Mediterranean. Personally, I disagree a bit, I think the most beautiful island in the Balearic Islands is Formentera. But I understand the flagship on behalf of Mallorca. Mallorca has a more diverse landscape. Mallorca has spectacular mountain scenery, lush valleys, beaches, sheltered coves.

The interior of Mallorca is dedicated to agriculture: artichokes, corn, potatoes, strawberries. The mountains of Tramamuntana, on the other hand, are rugged mountains and there are pine and cypress forests along winding roads. Some of the slopes are also beautifully terraced with olive groves. The beautiful and so idyllic region is the Tramuntana Mountains in the western part of the island, a 70 km long mountain range.

Even along the mountain roads, there are traditional mountain villages – and at least the upper ones seem to be inhabited mainly by locals. The villages are lovely, not a single trinket was struck – a totally different world compared to the “German” tourist village of Sa Coma on the east coast or the British newspaper hell in southern Mallorca.

Mallorca is for many, it is also a holiday destination for the Spanish royals. And a cyclists ’paradise — indeed, hell, heat, and steep mountain roads starved many cyclists — unfortunately, many such incidents came to be seen.

Lluc Monastery is a good starting point for a mountain tour

There will be a tourist vibe in the parking lot of Lluc Monastery, a parking fee for Vitonen and a decision should be made at the gate whether to pay another mokoma for museum tours or just tour the area for free and go to church – we ended up with the latter and I was happy. The area is soothing, lingering is allowed. If there isn’t much time, then maybe I’ll skip this spot, but the monastery is experiencing history. The center has a garden with accommodation on the edge. There have once been horses in the Park in front of each fence. The area looks wild on the map, I was really confused to see if those entrance towers are, really small. There is a cross on the slope to which the stairs lead, unfortunately there was construction work in the area, we only got to walk for a while. As soon as he got a little higher, the mountain breeze cooled down.

The convent area, which dates back to the 13th century, is Mallorca’s main pilgrimage site and one of the most popular attractions. In the back room of the Renaissance basilica there is a statue of the Virgin of Sa Moreneta (filming prohibited), it is said to be from the early days of the monastery.

A lunch break along the dramatic scenic route and perhaps the cutest village of Fornalutx in all of Mallorca

The real mountain route starts after the monastery of Lluc. The Ma-10 road is narrow and you’ll feel like you’re on a hiking trail – at least if you don’t drive yourself. It was a pity for the cyclists – too many had really gone on a cycling trip to Mallorca with too little training – these routes were only suitable for active cyclists.

We’re looking for a snack spot after Lluc Monastery. About a quarter after the drive there was a parking lot, we stopped at it and it was incomprehensible which place we found. Perfect landscape. Several peaks were seen from the cliff and the edge of the cliff.

The highest peak in the area is the 445-meter Puig Major. This peak is in the military territory, so it is not possible to peak it.

After our snack stop, it would have been possible to go to the great snorkeling beach in Cala Tuenti. Unfortunately, we only got a tip about this after a day, so we didn’t visit (and our time wouldn’t have been enough). Cala Tuenti also offers an organized snorkelling trip. Cala Tuent is so difficult to reach that I can assume it is quite peaceful compared to other destinations in Mallorca.

Along the way, however, there were other great places along the way, such as a mountain lake. Bathing is forbidden, as the lake served as drinking water in the area – unfortunately the ban is followed, the opposite beach showed a magnificent beach…



Fornalutx, on the other hand, hits the road as you continue on the Ma-10 road. Fornalutx is a well-groomed beautiful village where you can climb the cobblestone stairs up and down between the stone houses. Now in May there were flowers and lemon groves all over the road and all the way. Fornalutx cannot be described, it must be experienced.

After Soller you drive to Deia, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Deia is built on a hill. As you drive there on the narrow steep mountain roads and again out of town, you will see high above the Mediterranean. We didn’t stop at Deia, but nonetheless, I can say it’s gorgeous. We drove through and that’s how we experienced it, descended from the mountains down to the village and again climbed up the slopes. From above you can see far out to sea and again down to the village in the valley.

The village of Deia is said to be the most beautiful village in Mallorca. Well I think Fornalutz is the most beautiful. Maybe because it was the first mountain village we were in. Deia exudes the peace and traditional village life of an old small town. If there had been time and I had not been exhausted by the mountain village, I would have liked to walk the town of Soller on a route about 10 km long, lined with olive and orange trees, towards the village of Deia.

Deia is like a living landscape card. I tried to take pictures of the car as we passed, I couldn’t get a good shot, but it was great. Far away is the Mediterranean Sea, descending from the edge of the cliff and again pointing up to the other side of the cliff. There are fruit-swaying trees in the villagers ’backyards, the slopes are impregnated with conifers (cypresses and pines) and somehow the village is left in the depths of the valley inside an amphitheater-like environment. Maybe I even got our strong experience of the village as we drove non-stop.

Deia is also famous for being a favorite destination for celebrities. In the early 20th century, it was popular with writers, later rock musicians. Princess Diana has also confirmed the village’s popularity, with Belmond La Resicencia in the village in particular being considered Diana’s favorite hotel.

Valdemossa is known for its hiking trails and cultural history.

Valdemossa has a monastery founded in the 15th century. The most famous summer resident of the monastery was the composer Frédéric Chopin, who composed his 15th prelude there. The song’s nickname “Raindrop Drop Relief” reflects that rainy summer in Valdemossa. Chopin came to Mallorca for health reasons, had tuberculosis and hoped Mallorca’s climate would ease the symptoms of the disease.

Valdemossa’s antique stone houses are listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The tower in the center of Valdemossa is visible from afar. There is a monastery museum in the area and there is an apartment by Frederic Chopan. Behind the museum is also a garden where it was pleasant to walk, although there were many tourists, peace landed.

Soller, Deià or Valdemossa?

Sóller is a slightly more urban village. Soller has good shopping opportunities. In the center of the village of Sóller is the church of Sóller, designed by a pupil of Antonio Gaudí.

The classic view is the church and the tram that goes past it, ringing the bells. The tram takes you from Palma to the village and on to Port de Soller. This wooden train leaves from Palma’s Plaça d’Espanya and has been carrying passengers since 1912. The history of the route is very practical, the residents of Palma had to get oranges from the mountain villages and they were brought by train. I think the oranges in Mallorca are the best in the Balearic Islands, so juicy. In fact, we asked our landlord Martin to bring us a juicer, we just couldn’t miss the freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast.

Somehow there is nothing other than a historic tram in the city, the city did not become one of my favorites. The church inside the village was somehow gloomy inside – in fact, similar in style to all the churches I visited in Mallorca, I don’t know why, but they were all dark and somehow gloomy. This experience is exceptional for me, I usually experience churches abroad as very strong positive experiences.

Soller remembered a street where there was no traditional street player but a city dweller had opened his third floor window and slammed us out of the window. The moment was magical, it would have made sense to stop to listen – or at least aploorata after the song. Sure, it would have been appropriate, but on the other hand, the situation felt so private that we all kept walking forward. We talked later and we had all experienced the same.

I was one of Mallorca’s 10 million tourists

My experience of Mallorca is relaxed and serene: nice warmth, the beach, the mountains and the inland farmland. Mallorca pleases many with its diversity. The island of a million inhabitants is visited by 10 million tourists a year!

I don’t know of any other market, but the inland Sa Pobla Saturday night / Sunday morning market still lacked a tourist crowd. There was everything for sale, clothes, bags, vegetables – there were clearly more local tourists shopping. Personally, I don’t usually buy just about anything, but from this market I bought an eyeglass case, underwear, overalls, and a dress.

The Tramuntana Mountains on Mallorca’s north coast are the perfect contrast to the lively beach resorts of the south. The Spaniards call Mallorca “la Serenissima” or “The Brightest of All”. Absolutely true, the sky is often cloudless. While in Ibiza, I followed the weather in Mallorca and there were always a dozen more degrees.

Mallorca, like all islands in general, also has many lighthouses. There is a lighthouse at the northernmost end of the Serra deTramuntana mountain range on the Formentor peninsula. It is usually only accessible by bus during the summer peak hours. During our visit, that mountain road was closed, under renovation, but we were able to admire the magnificent scenery from the observation deck of Mirador Es Colomer. This area is great for admiring the sunset – and nearby Cala Carbo is a quiet beach and also a place for snorkelling. So in these two different places we visited on a different day than a mountain tour – located at the other end of the mountain range.

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